Feb 28, 2007

Extract from Singuratate (Solitude) - Mihai Eminescu

Mihai Eminescu is the best-known romanian poet... more details in the wiki.

Ah! De cate ori voit-am
Ca sa spanzur lira-n cui
Si un capat poeziei
Si pustiului sa pui;

Dar atuncea greieri soareci,
Cu usor-maruntul mers,
Readuc melancolia-mi,
Iara ea se face vers.
(March 1, 1878)

Oft I thought, the lyre forsaking
To depart and change my mood,
And to leave off writing verses
In this wasting solitude.

But then mice with tripping noises,
Chirping crickets bring and nurse
My old thoughts, my melancholy,
And this soon becomes a verse.
(Translated by Petre Grimm)

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